Sunday 13 January 2013

Slow Down Environmental Degradation

The advocacy of a lot of people today is to save our planet from further destruction.  We are producing more waste than we can process.  Waste is filling up our landfills at a staggering rate, which is already alarming.  Incarcerators are working double time to burn the trash from our homes but even burning has a negative effect on our environment because of the gasses that it produces.  Weather patterns are already starting to change and climate change is said to be the one of the main reasons why natural calamities are becoming more and more destructive to the human population.

Of course, we do not want this to happen, not in our lifetime or our children’s children’s lifetime.  One way we can reduce trash is to recycle it.  Electronic items and appliances are easily recyclable because there are companies that specialize in the recovery of electronic materials. Of course, you can easily sell your Kindle Fire because a lot of people know that this is a great item.  But what if no one from your circle of friends is interested in buying it?

No need to fret because if you sell your Kindle Fire to, you will get a good price for it since it is a fairly new model.  For those who are not familiar with the site, it is a website that you can use whenever you want to sell your Kindle Fire or any other tablet PCs and electronic gadgets.  They even accept old models and broken ones.  Dealing with them is easy and secure.  You get your check after a few days of shipping them your tablet. It is an easy way to sell your old tablet PC and help save the environment in the process.

Efforts to make the environment a safer place for everyone have increased in recent years. You should take part in this too! If you're still not convinced of the impending doom the world will experience if we keep on neglecting the environment, try watching these movies. See if you won't at least get nervous seeing how events happening in real life are getting close to what is happening in these movies:

  • 2012
This movie follows science fiction writer Jackson Curtis (played by John Cusack) as he attempts to save his loved ones from the changes of the elements. Anyone who has seen this film and went through the wrath of Frankenstorm Sandy last week can feel the eerie similarities.

  • The Day After Tomorrow
The effects of global warming are shown in this movie, which depicts how people have to suffer from extreme weather conditions. In the end, Americans had to evacuate to Mexico, or freeze to death. 

  • An Inconvenient Truth
This documentary is an alarming look at climate change and what people have done to contribute to the sorry state of the planet. Narrated by former Vice President Al Gore, you'll get more information than a lecture about the environment, and it’ll be scarier than watching the most frightening horror movie you've seen! 

Environment/Recycling Resources:


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