Wednesday 29 August 2012

A Great Reading Experience With the iPad

If you want to sell your iPad because you are disappointed with the experience of reading e-books with it, hold your horses. People initially claimed reading e-books with an iPad is not as enjoyable as they initially thought. But then, they just needed to learn some tips and tricks on how to make the entire experience better. Don’t be hasty in selling your gadget; you might end up regretting it!
One of the initial roadblocks when reading an e-book with an iPad is when you find out your e-book reader cannot open the e-book file format. For some, the problem is the book does not look nice, because its formatting is not compatible with whatever app you are using to open it. For most of us, even minor details like wonky spacing and ugly fonts can make us lose interest in reading. Soon, you realize you don’t have much use for the device, so you start entertaining thoughts of getting cash for iPad.

For this reason, it is advisable to download and install as many e-book readers as you can. You can try different ones until you find the one that suits your needs. This does not have to be expensive as most e-book readers for the iPad are free. For example, the pre-installed Kindle app is great for its features, but it is also rather notorious for not opening popular e-book file formats like EPUB and PDF. That is not the fault of the iPad at all, so you can use Aldiko, another e-book reader app that may not have as many features as the Kindle app, but can open more file formats, especially the very popular EPUB files.

Another tip is to learn how to adjust the settings of your unit so that the brightness will be at its optimum. You want to omit glare as much as possible when you are reading so that your eyes will not be strained, especially if you plan to read for a long time. Aside from screen brightness, another important setting would be the size of the text or font. Generally speaking, the smaller the font, the more straining it is for the eyes. But then, the e-book will be reformatted with very small letters, causing the book to fit fewer pages. So you don’t have to turn the pages more often. Conversely, larger texts are friendlier on the eyes but you have to do a lot more page turning.

Your posture while reading is also as important as the type of reader and the most optimum settings to use. Your body should be in a relaxed position and your back well supported by cushions or pillows. If you want to finish a book in one sitting, it is advisable to take a few breaks every 30 or 40 minutes in order to rest your eyes and adjust your body’s position. When you use these simple tips, you’ll realize that you don’t have to sell your iPad anymore.


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