Monday, 4 June 2012

iPad Tips and Tricks (Part One)

The new iPad is one of the best devices that has been released. While not the first tablet computer ever made, the new iPad is the one that got things right. From form to software, everything about the iPad performs great and it is really worth the money.

One reason why the iPad is so famous is because of the OS it uses. Unlike earlier versions of tablets which are just ported versions of existing software, like the tablet edition of Windows XP, the OS of the iPad is designed for ease of use. Apps are easily installed and are also easy to use.

If you’re going to sell your iPad for an Android tablet, let me stop you right there. The iPad has plenty of tricks that make your life very easy. It will turn your tablet into a full – on productivity machine.

Let’s take a look at these tricks:

Split Keyboard

Typing with a tablet isn’t really comfortable. Sooner or later, we’re bound to press the wrong letter and we’re going to make mistakes. It’s really annoying and it can really get on people’s nerves. That’s probably why there are plenty of accessories that offer keyboards right now.

There is an option though, to help quicken typing a little more – splitting the keyboard. With a split keyboard, your fingers aren’t extended that much and you can just use your thumbs to type comfortably, like using a cell phone for texting.

To do this, just put two fingers on the keyboard and swipe them to the left and right at the same time. The keyboard will split in half, allowing you to type while holding the iPad. This is great for those who are using it while lying down.

Voice Dictation

Sadly, the new iPad doesn’t have Siri, one feature that many expected to come with the new iPad. You can’t send emails, search for locations or crack jokes with software.

It’s a good thing that Apple decided to include voice dictation when typing. That certainly helps a lot for typing long texts. To enable this feature, just go to the settings and turn it on.

To use this feature, just press the small microphone button on the left of the space bar and dictate whatever you want to encode. The voice dictation is incredibly accurate and you’ll be able to use it even in noisy environments.

You can basically use this feature everywhere that needs keyboard input. You’ll be able to send Twitter updates, but you’ll still have to press the Send Tweet button though.


While not a really important feature, screenshots are great for capturing those cool moments, such as an impressive drawing of your friend in Draw Something. You’ll also be able to share the high score of your favorite game with your Facebook and Twitter contacts.

To do this, just press the Home and Sleep button quickly. You’ll see the screen flash and hear a camera click. That’s the confirmation sound. Then, you’ll be able to view your pictures in the gallery.

We’ll take a look at a few more tips and tricks in another part, so hold on to your ipad.


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